
A quick guide to getting started with New UI.


To set up the project, open your terminal and run the following command:

npm i -D @new-ui/foundations

Note: This command installs all New UI foundation packages, which include reset, colors, effects, spacings, and typography. If you need to install only specific packages, refer to the foundations documentation for instructions.


Import the New UI foundations by adding the following line at the top of your SCSS file:

@use '@new-ui/foundations';     // Use `@import` for CSS

Set the theme

Set the theme by adding the data-new-ui-theme attribute to your HTML wrapper element, for example:

<html data-new-ui-theme="light">
Available themes Value
Light (Default) light
Light warm light--warm
Light cold light--cold
Dark (Default) dark
Dark warm dark--warm
Dark cold dark--cold

Usage guide

  • All classes associated with the New UI are prefixed with a global namespace followed by a hyphen: nu-
  • In addition to a global namespace, we added prefixes to each class to make it more apparent what job that class is doing using BEM syntax.
    • c- for UI components, such as .nu-c-h1 or .nu-c-card
    • l- for layout-related styles, such as .nu-l-grid__item or .nu-l--two-column
    • u- for utilities, such as .nu-u-mb-<spacing-token> or .nu-u-margin-bottom-pt2
    • is- and has- for specific states, such as .nu-is-active or .nu-is-disabled. These state-based classes - would apply to.
    • js- for targeting JavaScript-specific functionality, such as .js-modal-trigger. No styles are bound to these classes; they’re reserved for behavior only. For most cases, these js- classes would toggle - state-based classes to an element.